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​​​​​​​Ask Your Soul for Healing

​​​Ask Your Soul for Healing| Merkabah Healing | Past Life | Mind-Body Wellness | Spiritual Life Coaching | Ask Your Stone Jewelry
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​​​Copyright @ Ask Your Soul for Healing & Ask Your Stone Jewelry| Katy GhostHorse | All Rights Reserved
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You have now had your Energy Transfer Reset (ETR).  Some of this information will be a repeat of what you have heard.  Most humans do not retain everything we read, hear, say, and do.  This information bears repeating as it is essential to the continued clearing of your below 5D frequency timelines, so the ETR does not stall or slow down.

The ETR is a healing modality that restores your Soul back to the pure state that existed immediately after it was created by Source.  The reset allows the body to heal on quantum levels from all types of illness, disease, abuse, trauma, and negativity.  

The energy transfer is the release of most below 5D frequencies from quadrillions of timelines you accumulated from all your previous incarnations.  Today we started the process but be aware that the completion may take months.  An unhealthy state is not created overnight, and it will not clear overnight.  Please have patience with this process.

What I mean by most lower frequencies:  I have been doing Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (Dolores Cannon’s QHHT) for 7 years and here is what I know from talking to hundreds of Souls, AA’s, AM’s, Soul Groups, Guardians, Angels, and Star Beings during sessions.  Many diseases, ailments, and emotions have been healed right before my eyes, which are tied to the current life and many past lives of the client, BUT there are some things that the Souls have said they will not clear YET…..it must stay until more is learned.  Our path on Earth is to come back to who we are as a Magnificent Being of Light and it is the journey that we signed up for to get us back to who we truly are.  With that said, the ETR will clear quadrillions of lower frequency timelines and whatever remains, per your Soul, you will get through the lesson in a less emotional way, and in a much more enlightened and healthier way after the ETR.  You will see your situation in a different light.  Humans are multifaceted and multidimensional, and you will be more aware of this after your ETR, which should make life a bit easier and if you do your homework it will get much easier in the days and months ahead. 

How long does the transfer of low-frequency energies take?

It can take months for the process to complete due to the sheer number of timelines to clear. The transfer process is also dependent upon you being willing to release the past.  You control the manifestation of the healing in your physical form.  If you desire to hold on to your past and all of the emotions, diagnoses, and events related to your past, it can slow down the transfer.

If you stay focused on starting fresh and releasing your past, your transfer will not stall or slow down. It is also important to stay positive and believe the healing will happen.  If you doubt the process, your doubt becomes an instant energetic block to healing. You must remain positive and grateful. 

The RESET happens instantly, but the manifestation takes time to appear in your life.  Your past is cleared, which allows you to manifest a new future.  This is based on the quantum physics law of entanglement.  Everything is connected.  When we change the past, we change the future. 

After your ETR:

1.  Although the ETR cleared all your low frequency energies, you are left with a small percentage to consciously clear on your own.  Your Soul allows these frequencies to remain after the ETR because there is more to learn from them.

2.  You are clear of blockages, tags, implants, cords, and dark entity attachments.  If there is anything remaining it is because you have more to learn from them.  Whatever you are faced with after the ETR will be much better dealt with in many ways emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually.  Some implants are good and in place because our Soul Group monitors us, and it allows them to help us and keep us on track per our life plan.  This information comes from the Souls of my QHHT clients.

3. After your ETR your Soul will be restored back to its pure state, which allows you to start fresh and manifest the future you desire. This is the RESET.  As far as how long it takes for the physical body to be fully restored is unknown.  The ETR is only 3 years old and there's not enough data yet to determine how long or even how it will be restored and then that also depends on the person's Soul.  You will feel better and may feel younger right away.  

4. Your body and energy field have begun healing on all levels physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. All types of physical healing can occur including the healing of birth defects. 

5. By removing most low frequencies, your current frequency is much higher now and will skyrocket as you release and heal in the weeks and months ahead.  It is like removing cement blocks from around your ankles.  You may experience a stronger connection to your spirit guides and other beings in different dimensions. When you raise your frequency and match theirs, you can easily communicate. 

7. You have begun the reverse aging process. Through intention, we asked the spirit beings to manipulate your DNA to reverse age.  We have power over our DNA and only age because we believe we must age.  As with the immortal jellyfish, your aging cells are converting to stem cells in your body.

How many times should we experience the ETR?

I will do a remote ETR for every client who has had an ETR with me, including a Remote ETR, every Wednesday for the foreseeable months ahead at no charge.  The following is the reason why:  

In the beginning, we believed that one ETR was sufficient. There is now compelling evidence acquired over the past three years that demonstrates the ETR is most beneficial when experienced on a weekly basis ongoing.

While the timelines are instantly cleared during the first ETR experience, the follow up sessions allow for a “layering” of 9D-13D frequencies that begin acting like nuclear fusion.

The light atoms of the high frequencies collide and create newly formed energy. This newly formed energy offers these benefits:

  • Raises your frequency to their highest levels
  • Spurs rapid spiritual growth
  • Improves your understanding of truth
  • Strengthens your intuition and discernment
  • Provides unsurpassed “youthing” or anti-aging of the physical form
  • Bolsters your confidence in the healing  

In 5D you cannot conjure up the 9D-13D frequencies on your own. They are only accessible to you through the ETR process and the help of the galactic guides. 

If you should want to experience the ETR with me again by phone or in my office, use coupon discount code AYSH-30 to discount the 2nd session fee by $30.00. 

What can you do to facilitate the process?

Maintain a positive belief that the reset is working--that it has the power to heal.  If frequencies of doubt emerge from negative thinking, the reset loses its strength and eventually the person will completely stall the healing process and begin to accumulate low frequencies that existed before.  The reset never stops completely; once a person raises their frequency again, the reset will increase in strength and continue progressing.

The Arcturians continue to emphasize, “we must ‘release’ to heal.” It is imperative that you release the past. To assist with this, the list of Arcturian Releasing Statements has been provided in a PDF document and audio format below.  Saying the releasing statements helps accelerate the energy transfer process of the ETR and assist with healing. 

As you release over the following weeks and months, your Spirit Guides may offer insight into what you should let go of by dropping images and words into your mind of people, places, things, dates, events, beliefs, and/or judgments.  These are items you should release.  Merely observe, do not absorb.  Simply release these images and words with love and blessings, saying, "I release," or "I let go."  Releasing below 5D frequencies that comes to you in the weeks and months ahead is very important to the outcome of your ETR.

I offered through my intentions during your session an automated CC&G. I ask this occur 99 times in each now moment going forward until you leave this incarnation.  You must assist with the releasing process and keep low frequencies from building back up by listening to the CC&G daily.  Below is the CC&G Audio I recorded.  I have included a document to read the CC&G if you wish.  There is also a CC&G video if you prefer.  A daily routine of CC&G is very important because you are physically clearing and it will take time for all the low frequencies causing you difficulty to come to the surface.   If you have excess emotions, feelings, sickness, etc., etc.……do the CC&G.  When you do the CC&G and call in the colored clouds you are calling in 5th to 13th dimensional frequencies.  When you say the affirmations for each color/frequency you are re-programming your cells and DNA.  The CC&G is an amazing tool.

As a final step in your ETR process, I created a Crystalline Capsule of Protection (CCP) around you.  This protection will defend you from other beings and humans who are emitting low frequencies.  It will also be a ward against future tags, implants, and attachments.  It will help block low frequencies that can come from your other fractals in other dimensions. 

Aftercare suggestions following the ETR:

Any time you feel tired, restless, or have scattered or negative thoughts, stop and perform the CC&G.  If you are not in a place that you can, just say "I invoke the CC&G."  You can invoke as often as you need to during your day.  After, you will snap back in 5-10 minutes.  

You may perform CC&G for others also. You do not need their permission to clear energy for them. You can clear their bodies, energy fields, and your spaces such as homes, offices, schools, transportation vehicles, etc.  The instructions for doing this are in the CC&G document below.

Following the Energy Transfer Reset, you may require more rest. Get plenty of sleep. Drink purified water throughout the day, as it helps clear toxins from your body.  Warm saltwater and baking soda baths are also beneficial for grounding and detoxifying.  Add your favorite essential oil if you wish.  Remember this is a process.  How long will it take? That depends on you maintaining your higher vibration/frequency level as a result of your ETR.  So, if you dip, you will feel it, use the tools included below to bring your vibration/frequency back up.  One day soon your work will pay off and you will feel amazing…..like you never have before.

It is not advisable to go back and “relive” the past event or circumstances related to the emotions. Stay focused on the now, release them, and have gratitude for the help you have to clear.  

After the emotions are gone, imagine a white light streaming down from the universe filling your heart with love and healing.   Stay in this scenario of being filled up with the love frequency for at least 70 seconds.

You may require this releasing process many times until all remaining dense energy is physically gone.  This can take weeks or months.

As we move rapidly towards the 5D everyone will experiences the purging process with or without the ETR.  It is unrelated to the ETR.  It is the inner work we must do, but the ETR is an efficient tool to help us do this inner work.

The very best thing you can do after an ETR session is to BELIEVE TO SEE and do your CC&G and your Arcturian Releasing Statements daily.  Don’t slip back into your old ways of thinking and doing things.  Question everything, ask your Soul what is the 5D way to do what you want to do or say.  We manifest our reality by our thoughts, words, and actions, and without a positive attitude and belief, or at least accepting that we are much more than we think, you will slip back, and your frequency will lower.  It is your work to do, no one can do it for you.  You are not alone and never have been.  Your guides/angels are standing right next to you.  They are waiting for you to ask for help because they cannot help unless you ask!!   After your ETR, you now have the ETR Team helping and assisting you all the way to Ascension!  Ask for their help and don’t forget to thank them for their assistance.

Please allow me to express my love and gratitude to you.  I invite you to reach out to me for further help and guidance.  I am happy to assist you.

Many blessings, peace, and love to you on your road to the fifth dimension. 


*   Cloud Clearing & Grounding (CC&G) audio.  To be listened to at least once daily:       https://app.box.com/s/802yh4g3erq7vdifijklqfj0ibicdrz

*   Cloud Clearing & Grounding in writing if you prefer to read instead of listen:             https://app.box.com/s/4pink7ftcfat0c58oxph16tzwu4hup8o

*   Arcturian Releasing Statements to be said at minimum once a day:                             https://app.box.com/s/nvm9xamij3uy87d717a7y9eck7ow60lt

*   Arcturian Releasing Statements in audio format for when you want to                       listen instead of read:                                                                                                         https://app.box.com/s/0cwpa7uhlkko7uhw759qrx8vky6zj3ux

Please do not hesitate to call or email me with questions.   Thank you for going on the ETR journey with me!!  Thank you or helping humanity heal!!
ETR Session - Follow-Up Information and Homework