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​​​​​​​​Ask Your Soul for Healing

​​​Ask Your Soul for Healing| Merkabah Healing | Past Life | Mind-Body Wellness | Spiritual Life Coaching | Ask Your Stone Jewelry
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​​​Copyright @ Ask Your Soul for Healing & Ask Your Stone Jewelry| Katy GhostHorse | All Rights Reserved
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No Obligation

Mind-Body Wellness Spiritual/Life Coaching


I (the undersigned client) voluntarily agrees to be the subject of an Mind-Body Wellness Spiritual/Life Coaching (MBWSLC) session.  Except in the case of gross negligence or malpractice, I or my representative(s) agree to full release and hold harmless Katy GhostHorse and/or Ask Your Soul for Healing from and against any and all claims or liability of whatsoever kind or nature arising out of or in connection with my MBWSLC session. 

Katy GhostHorse is neither a trained psychologist or a medical doctor.  I hereby agree and request a MBWSLC session and acknowledge it as a potentially powerful mental, physical and spiritual regulating tool.   I understand that it is up to me to follow-through with the recommendations and helpful tools received from my session.  I acknowledge that personal results will vary and there are no expressed or implied guarantees or warranties of results.  I acknowledge that I control my own healing process, and I am fully informed of the usefulness of a MBWSLC session.  I am aware that the session is spiritually based in nature, and there are no two sessions alike.  After my session if I have any changes in my health or health protocol I will take full responsibility and will take it upon myself to consult my healthcare provider if I deem it necessary after my  session.  

Katy GhostHorse facilitates the MBWSLC session as instructed by her guides and the clients Soul/Higher self.  There are no two sessions alike.  She coaches her clients in their session based on knowledge gained from facilitating ETR & QHHT sessions in her practice, her innate Starseed knowledge, intuitive abilities, energy healing, and/or spiritual coaching techniques to facilitate the Client’s quest for self-improvement.  Specific techniques, before and after the MBWSLC session, may include body relaxation, directed meditation, spiritual psychology, behavior modification, and/or psychic insight.  Katy is a ULC Minister, which gives her the right, by law, to coach the client through their process of letting go and releasing so they can generate health, well-being, and strengthen their connection to their guides/angels who are here to help them. Oregon State Law says the Minister Certificate has to hang on the wall of the practitioner's office.  It is, and this is your notification that it is there for you to read if you feel the need to do so.  There is also a copy on my website under the Mind-Body Wellness Spiritual/Life Coaching tab. 

When you book your session on my website you will be asked to sign this Waiver/Disclaimer.  Your typed signature acknowledges you have read and understand and accept this Waiver/Disclaimer.  

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