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​​​​​​​Ask Your Soul for Healing

​​​Ask Your Soul for Healing| Merkabah Healing | Past Life | Mind-Body Wellness | Spiritual Life Coaching | Ask Your Stone Jewelry
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​​​Copyright @ Ask Your Soul for Healing & Ask Your Stone Jewelry| Katy GhostHorse | All Rights Reserved
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Ask Your Soul Hypnosis Dolores Cannon
"I feel incredibly fortunate to have found Katy GhostHorse at Ask Your Soul for Healing.  While I’ve enjoyed reiki and intuitive readings in the past, none of it compares to this.  I’ve experienced both Energy Transfer Reset and QHHT sessions with Katy and both experiences were profound.  Remarkable things occurred both during and after these sessions and I believe I am forever changed.  The most relatable change has been my relationship with food.  Almost immediately after the ETR, food literally tasted different and I lost most of my desire for processed and sugary foods, even chocolate!  Without any effort on my part, I’ve begun craving fresher and healthier foods and slowly losing excess weight.  I have less interest in material things and place a higher value on love and relationships.  My spirituality has blossomed, leaving me so much more connected to my spirit guides and the spirit world.  My aura, previously dominated by green shades, has changed to violet/purple.  I simply feel healthier and more positive and am grateful to Katy for all of this.  If you are ready for meaningful change in your own life, consider booking a session with Katy.  L. Dolan"


"Prior to my QHHT session, I had been drawn to Dolores Cannon’s books, and the material so deeply resonated with me. I had recently moved to Salem after selling my home in MI, buying an RV, and traveling around the country for a year, and was delighted to find Katy practicing QHHT in town. There is no one of her experience anywhere near where I was previously staying in MI and I felt it was meant to be. I had already undergone some intense healing and spiritual experiences during, and prior to, my travels, and I felt a QHHT session would be part of advancing to the next phase. I was and still am in a place of transition, and am also learning how to manage some sensitivities I have developed since my spiritual awakening, physical and extra sensory. During my QHHT session, I did feel as if I was awake and present and could remember what was happening, but I also didn’t feel as if what I was saying was coming from the ego or my left brain. I could hear my left brain working in the background, but I actively worked to let my right brain take over as to access the subconscious and whatever else was coming through. Being in the meditative state and having been meditating for a couple years certainly helped with this. As the session ended, I was amazed that 3 hours had gone by as it had only felt like maybe a half hour or so, so I know I went under to some extent even having a full recollection. I remember leaving the session feeling so validated, as some of what I had already been sensing came to light, but I was surprised at some new information and guides that came through. The session helped me to better understand my journey thus far, and some of the meaning behind the pain and the trauma I have experienced, especially in relation to the family I chose to incarnate with, and the soul family I have chosen to surround myself with. The session also helped to validate my purpose on Earth as a starseed, and better understand my path forward. I now feel more empowered than ever in being able to trust my intuition and my path, and in my ability to manifest a life in which I am living in my highest timeline. I am very grateful to Katy for facilitating this experience and making it so comfortable. She has such a warm presence and I can feel and see how strong her frequency is whenever we meet. I have started being able to see energy, especially when in a meditative state, and I recently met with her for a virtual ETR session and as soon as she popped up on the screen, I could see the energy starting to light up. Katy truly is a bright light. I envision myself pursuing becoming a QHHT practitioner at some point in the future and she has been highly encouraging of this. I appreciate Katy sharing her light with me and all of the other wonderful people she touches through her work." Ashley

Dear Katy,

"Before I met you, I was searching the web for books to read and came across Delores Cannons books. By the first book I was hooked. I felt like I had found someone who understood what I was feeling. I wanted to find someone who could do the QHHT closer to home. So again, as I was searching the web, your name came up and BOOM. Meeting you was the best thing that could of happened for me. You made me feel comfortable and at ease.

Going into the QHHT, I had high hopes and it was not what I was expecting. I felt like I was awake the whole time and wasn’t quite sure of anything. Well, I was wrong. Changes are happening daily. I have stopped taking medications. I have changed my eating habits and just my whole way of thinking. I finally have no fear off driving myself around and even go out to dinner by myself. I am standing up for myself. I feel like I have a purpose and a better understanding of myself and life. It’s a work in progress but each day I feel more in tune to myself and life.

Thank you, Katy for your love, patience and understanding. You are truly an angel." Paulette

Dear Katy,

"Thank you so much for helping me. I awoke today and my usual is to walk very slowly and for about 1 hour kind of bent over with walking as my usual day associated with considerable bilateral sciatica. Today I awoke pain free and throughout day no pain. I walked two blocks pain free. Today I picked up a novel and read several pages about 2 hours ago and I am able to concentrate reading and two hours later still holding book info in my head. Overall I feel more centered, grounded, and peaceful. I appreciate your hearing me, and understanding me. I am very grateful and a pleasure to work with you."  Deborah


​"Going into the session I had high hopes but looking back now I also had expectations. Which is probably why I feel like I didn't get what I needed from the session. After hearing my answers I was upset some weren't answered how'd I like or in depth. I also felt like I was awake during It all and just making up answers. Well the answers I did get actually came to fruition. My diabetes has healed rapidly and now I'm not on any medications including insulin and gabapentin for nerve pain. This didn't happen for a while after the session (around 1 yr). But that's about when I said in the session it would go away. It all really happened because I kept on the path of learning more and taking responsibility for myself. Seeing back now. That what my highest self wanted me to do. The session makes so much sense now when I had my big awakening. (Felt like I went crazy and came back Saner than ever). I just wanted to say Thank you Katie for just showing me Love and giving me the experience to open my eyes. P.S ( Don't go into a session with expectations!)" Joe

Dear Katy,
Thank you so much! I listened to our entire session again last night with wonder and respect.  I'd forgotten some of it, but was reminded of the healing essence your words inspired over 5 years ago.

You are doing so much good in our world. It was, and is an honor to know a soul so deeply in alignment with First Cause; helping others to reclaim their own connection to All That Is.

Again, thank you for resending the link that that put me back in touch with you and the sacred time we spent together in 2016. It means everything to me.
My Love To You, Always ---


"I started my first day of my new job today, so I thought I would give you a testimonial now that the cycle is complete. 

When I scheduled my appointment with Katy, I already knew in my heart that my new job was not going well. I spent nine months unemployed and didn’t want to look again, but the signs were there. When my session with Katy came, the most important thing I asked for was that my work line up with my heart as this has always been a struggle for me. Two weeks later, I lost my job. I was suddenly unemployed again and scared. But it wasn’t a total loss. In those two weeks, I really saw how my skills measured up with a lot of others. I suddenly believed in myself and skills, saw where I could take the skills and was very thankful of the place I had learned them. Within days, I had an interview and got the job, but due to some issues, it fell apart. I was really scared again. I prayed very hard and just kept asking God to lead me in my life as I didn’t know what to do. The next day, a lady I barely know gave me one of our church’s core value stones that circulate through the congregation. It was “Spirit-Led”. I cried as for me it was a little miracle. God was listening. Next day a recruiter calls me with another position making $11 more than my old job which fit me far better than the old one. I was only unemployed for four weeks and my job is much better. Plus, I now believe in myself and I no longer am afraid of being unemployed, knowing that God will watch over me.  It was a scary transition, so be careful of what you ask for, or be daring! However you choose to see it. 

Plus a lot of other things have been happening and coming to conclusion or fruition. Amazing! I’m looking forward to the next session. That one was about finally healing the past, the next one will be about growing into the future. See you!" J.B.


"Since our "Q" sessions David and I have noticed some profound changes. We both have noticed new strength in "Self" ...I think due to a greater connectedness to Soul.

I am finding suddenly that if someone tries to influence me in a way that isn't in alignment with who I am, I resist...or am unaffected...rather than just submitting to a course of action or way of thinking out of a desire to preserve harmony. I used to be afraid to "speak up". This seems to have changed.

I'm also feeling a readiness to embrace some new things I want or need to do. Feeling the strength to go the whole way. That is it in a nutshell. Discovering this NEW strength.

Also have noticed some physical healings are happening. I have had for years psoriasis (about 3" square) on the back of my neck hidden by the hair. It itched and there were scabs. It's GONE! [*:) happy]   And a rash that's been on my shoulder for several months is gone. :))

David and I both feel that powerful changes are taking place within us, and our eyes are opening to many new things.

Thank you for this wonderful gift, for helping us to be able to experience it." Charlene


"My first impression of Katy came weeks before my actual session with her. She provided a pre-session recording which she urged me to listen to as often as I could. What I found remarkable was that her voice is perfectly suited to this type of regression work. I have been guided on intuitive journeys of this type from time to time throughout my life, and I have usually had the sense that I was concentrating on the visualizations despite the facilitator’s voice. Almost always, I found that the voice I was listening to was a slightly irritating necessity. With Katy, it was just the opposite. It almost seemed as if her voice were coming from the journey itself. It was wonderful. And with that pre-session recording as my introduction to her work, I experienced the actual regression with comfort and ease. We accomplished a lot, and I had important insights and many questions answered. Through it all, Katy’s integrity and total professionalism only added to my feeling of confidence in her abilities. I would work with her again in a flash, and I would certainly recommend her to anyone interested in a QHHT session. I had an experience that was well worthwhile."  David                                         


"My recent QHHT session with Katy GhostHorse was a delightful and profoundly meaningful experience for me. Katy's energy is light and uplifting and she takes her work very seriously.  She is a true professional in this field.  The session itself is hard to describe in a few words.  You had to have been there.  I can say that it was awesome to be in communication with my own Soul." Paul


"Katy is one of the most adept and compassionate practitioner I have ever had the privilege of working with! She was generous with her time and her energy. I experienced a profound healing in this session. One of the most amazing parts of this process was communicating with my own soul and cultivating a deeper connection to my own wisdom. I highly recommend her!" Ariel Policano, ND


"As Katy has often said to me and I also believe to be true:  "There are no coincidences."  This is why we both believe it was no coincidence that Katy and my ex wife met on a flight a few years ago. I had watched many of Dolores Cannons' videos since 1998 .  At the time I assumed it would be my wife who would be benefiting from a session with Katy.  As it turns out I was the one who ultimately scheduled a session.  I was at a crossroads in my life last month and needed guidance from my soul on several different issues including my health and how to process closure with my marriage.  I prepared a list of questions that also involved many other topics including the nature and origins of UFO's I had observed with two friends back in 1969 and past life relationships with people who were in my present life.  The first session produced healing of conditions that had been with me for years and a meeting with my oversoul.  As a result of this healing I no longer have Type II Diabetes, a hypothyroid condition or high blood pressure!  A second session a few weeks later allowed my soul to integrate with my ego and bring to me a complete sense of peace and forgiveness of myself.  All of my questions were answered.  I was quite impressed with how easy it was to work with Katy.  Her professionalism,  dedication and passion for helping others is always present and I would highly recommend her services to anyone who is open enough and has the courage to take the leap of faith necessary to allow this process to work." Doug


"I came to Katy GhostHorse after watching a Dolores Cannon video on YouTube.  I was at a crossroads in my life and was looking everywhere for answers.  During my session Katy was able to help me find the answers that were already in me.  I now have the trust in myself to listen to myself.  My questions were answered and will help me in the near future.  The session put me in touch with a love for myself that had not existed prior.  I will probably have another session with Katy as I wortk through more "stuff" and more questions come up.  Katy works incredibly hard to get the most information regarding your questions.  The recording of the session helps to integrate the information and keep it fresh in your mind.  Thank you Katy."  Diane


"This past weekend my wife and 3 adult children spent the weekend with Katy.  She was kind enough to come to us and work with us on our QHHT Sessions. I have to tell you that it was the best weekend our family has spent in a long time. We were able to sit and talk as a group and the close bond that was firmed between our family and with Katy was astounding!  She truly has a Giant Heart which shines through her work! We sat for hours talking about our spirituality and Katy was able to answer questions that myself and family had been looking for.  These casual talks were so enjoyable that the kids would rush over every morning just to be a part of them. Their enthusiasm was inspiring.  My QHHT session allowed me to see two previous lives and I could understand how they pertained to my current life.  My list of questions I had prepared earlier in the week were also answered and has shed light on where we're going and where we've been. The feeling of love filled our home those three days and still continues.  My oldest Daughter has had back problems for the past 8 years and they have been eliminated and her self esteem has sky rocketed.  My younger daughter suffered from anxiety and panic attacks, through her session and seeing one of her previous lives she understood where these issues were residing inside her and where her fear of rejection was coming from.  We sat around after each session and talked about them each time, the tears and emotion were refreshing, honest and healing.  Our time spent with Katy will leave a mark on our souls for a lifetime."   Thank You Katy! Grover Family


 "I met with Katy for a session about a month ago. The session was beyond fantastic. I met my Oversoul, a spirit I had met many times before in my life but didn't know who he was, he helped me release a large amount of baggage and he gave me insight about my life, my choices, and free will. I am now able to understand struggles that my daughters and I are facing; and how best to handle the situations. I have entered into a place of peace and knowing, filled with unconditional love. I cannot thank Katy enough in mere mortal words, I have found a comfort in my choices, and I know where to go or turn when I am lost or confused. Thank You. Thank you.     My days are a little easier, although some choices aren't, I know that this life is only temporary and I have a guide, without questioning my mental state, that I know how to contact for guidance, comfort, or just a release. Katy you are a dream come true!”  Dawn


“Katy held such a safe and sacred space for me during my QHHT session.   I was able to clear up so many things from my past.  It literally changed my Life, and I am so grateful to her.  I would highly recommend her to anyone who wants deep lasting change in their Life”  Jaya


"Ever since I worked with Katy through my past life regression, I have been opening to new patterns, relationships, situations, and possibilities that reflect the Divine blueprint of my life with a deeper understanding.  She is a tremendously inspiring healer who enhanced this amazing healing work through her strong intuition and pure heart.  It's a blessing to work with her." Mia

QHHT Testimonials