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​​​​​​​Ask Your Soul for Healing

​​​Ask Your Soul | Merkabah Healing | Past Life | Mind-Body Wellness | Spiritual Life Coaching
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​​​Copyright @ Ask Your Soul for Healing| Katy GhostHorse | All Rights Reserved
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After ETR Follow-up and Homework
​​*   Cloud Clearing & Grounding audio that we did before the ETR.  To be listened            to at least once daily: https://app.box.com/s/802yh4g3erq7vdifijklqfj0ibicdrzr
*   Cloud Clearing & Grounding written out if you prefer to read instead of                      listening:  https://app.box.com/s/4pink7ftcfat0c58oxph16tzwu4hup8o
*   Arcturian Releasing Statements to be said at minimum once a                                      day: https://app.box.com/s/nvm9xamij3uy87d717a7y9eck7ow60lt

*   Arcturian Releasing Statement in audio format to be said at a minimum once             a day.  This is the same as the written form above:                                                         https://app.box.com/s/0cwpa7uhlkko7uhw759qrx8vky6zj3ux                                      

Before Scheduling an ETR - Must Read Information
Please read this information before scheduling your ETR session.  Everyone is different and you, nor I, are able to predict how you will feel after your ETR.  Some have emotional ups and downs, some don't feel well, and some just feel enlightenment and they know they are different; or any combination of these and more.  It all depends on what low frequencies you are releasing from your quadrillions of timelines.  If you do your Homework and stay positive and believe a transformation just happened you will fair much better.  It is a life changing experience for the better immediately, no matter how you are processing the ETR, and it is good to know what might happen after your ETR.  PLEASE READ!!

*   What is ETR?: https://www.askyoursoulhypnosis.com/what-is-etr.html

*   Disclaimer/Waiver:  If you want a copy of this click on this                                              link - https://app.box.com/s/92j7o4g6oj5gpl42rxjj6d5bfqffsln7​   


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